Part of my story

Soooooooo, if you really want these details, I will give you a little.

I desired to play guitar when I was about 7 or 8 years old. My mother took me to a music store and at that time, they didn't make guitars for little people. However, they thought a nice big accordion would be great. Not so much. Two weeks later-bye bye. No more oom pa pa oom pa pa. Fast forward to when I was about 12, I wanted to play trumpet. My dad said no. At 16 I saw my first concert, Dokken and Krokus. Guitarist George Lynch was too cool to say the least. During the time I ran away for a week, I went to Southgate Mall that had a music store. On the music store walls they had guitars :-)  I returned home after my plans to live on a farm up north were foiled. I begged, pleaded, and somehow convinced my mom to let me get a guitar. Well, I got one and my dad was not happy. Whatever.

Faster forward, literally it seems, and I still have that guitar. It is cracked, mutilated, chipped, painted, scalloped, rusty and dusty. And no, I do not play that one anymore.

Over the years I have come to love playing acoustic guitar. I enjoy the fact you can take them just about anywhere and not have to be plugged in to enjoy them. I still love electric and I am currently revisiting that with my lastest band lineup for Returning Forward.

That's all for now. Maybe I'll add more to this page in the future. If there is something you would like to know specifically, email me and I will try to answer as best and as timely as I can.

Thank you,
